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Be careful, this store is likely to clash with fast fashion
Be careful, this store is likely to clash with fast fashion
Be careful, this store is likely to clash with fast fashion
L'Appartement FrançaisL'Appartement Français

Words from women: commitment, freedom and determination

We would love for every day to be International Women's Rights Day... As long as this day exists, equality between women and men will not be achieved; we must roll...

We would love for every day to be International Women's Rights Day... As long as this day exists, equality between women and men will not be achieved; we must roll up our sleeves, fight, speak louder, with patience, passion, persuasion, kindness.

We chose, for several weeks, to only communicate on our social networks around inspiring women, free women, women who choose their path. Here they are.
In alphabetical order :


- Who are you ?
I am a historian specializing in fashion ecosystems. I work at the crossroads of economic and social history, science and technology and the history of gender.

- What is your greatest accomplishment?
I hope there is more to come. I look forward to everything and every day. Every action counts and makes my day.

- If tomorrow you were president of the republic, what would be your first measure to achieve equality between women and men?
Enforce laws already in place.

- Something to add ?
Women's rights are with men. I am counting on them too and on parents to accentuate equality in their educational plans.


- Who are you ?
I was born in Strasbourg, female, into a family of artisans. My great-grandmother was a tailor and her husband was a tanner. Both my grandmothers were wonderful knitters and I learned sewing, embroidery and knitting from them. My commitment dates back to my adolescence in the 70s – ecology and feminism. The rest is not a long, quiet river.

- What is your greatest accomplishment?
To this day, still the birth of my daughter Manon.

- If tomorrow you were president of the republic, what would be your first measure to achieve equality between women and men?
I will enforce the existing laws and above all I will take care of the young and the old. Women are the most forgotten, often with chaotic career paths linked to raising children. We must focus on changes for more education from early grades, not letting anyone drop out of school. A great modern nation must also take care of its elders, from the upgrading of pensions to more holistic reception centers for people at the end of their lives. But nothing will be done without people. Let’s calm down relationships.

- Something to add ?
Give us Peace!

- Who are you ?
Hello ! I am Élisa, originally from Brittany and studying merchandising in Paris since last September. A true vintage enthusiast, I spend my mornings hunting, always looking for THE piece that will captivate me. It must be said that my journey to get to L’Appartement Français consists of a string of second-hand stores…
What do I love most about vintage? It's deciphering the story behind each piece. When was it purchased? By who ? How was it worn? Why was she abandoned? Most often without an answer, I then let my imagination take over.

- What is your greatest accomplishment?
To be free, free of my choices, of my journey, of my loves. My career. I have dreamed of working in merchandising since I was 14, and today I am doing a master's degree in Paris in this field! It must be said that I never gave up despite my parents' fears. Never give up, bounce back, again and again, adapt, despite difficulties and failures; That’s the lesson I learned from it.

- If tomorrow you were president of the republic, what would be your first measure to achieve equality between women and men?
Well, given that I will soon be in the world of work, equal pay would already be a good start... 40 years since the first law came out in this sense and still 15% difference. Let's apply the law. Finally. It's time.
I also suggest that the guys who create our clothes wear them: heels, bras, tights, plunging necklines, makeup. So gentlemen, how are you feeling?

- Something to add ?
Dare to be yourself, despite this fear of how others look at you. Whether it’s through your colorful style, your personality, your tastes, your sexuality, above all, be who you want.
For my part, to avoid school bullying, for a long time, I had to fit into this famous mold, I got lost... Once my head came out of the water, I never again curbed my desire to to be me, whole, with my complexes, my colors, my patterns, and my voluminous cuts. It is now these differences that make me, one, and happy.

- Who are you ?
I am Émilie and I am a free woman!
I am married and mother of 3 little boys.
I am co-founder of L'Appart and professional coach for managers and entrepreneurs.

- What is your greatest accomplishment?
My children ! They are a daily joy, and they are the future.
I feel a great responsibility to support the future generation. She will do better than us on all points :-)

- If tomorrow you were president of the republic, what would be your first measure to achieve equality between women and men?
Education: I would establish educational training accessible to children, teachers and parents on non-violent communication, gender equality, listening to others, welcoming others and empathy.

- Something to add ?
Beyond gender, I feel deeply happy and lucky to be alive, to live in peace and to be free.
I think of these men, women and children who are not so lucky, whose courage and dignity I admire.
#peace #love #makelovenotwar

- Who are you ?
I am a young woman of 19 years old with a pretty Breton first name Maëlle. I am a student in BTS fashion and clothing professions on a work-study basis at the DAO workshop. I am a shy woman, who has low self-confidence, stressed and I try every day to overcome these weaknesses to improve and be stronger. I have beliefs and goals. I am a kind person, sometimes too much which causes me disappointments. I always listen to others, I help as much as possible when they need me. I am a perfectionist, a very meticulous person who likes things to be done well. I am dyslexic and dysorthographic but every day I try to make it a strength. It wasn't easy and it still is today but I won't give up. I am a person who knows how to adapt. When something is important to me, I follow it through to the end. I am a fan of travel but more of the wild side where you can discover the culture and the roots of countries. I love drawing, I like scuba diving and I'm sporty. I like to read. I like to please my family. Fashion is a great passion. I know what I like and what I don't like. And finally, I am a person who loves working with my hands, I am very manual.

- What is your greatest accomplishment?
My greatest accomplishment is to accept myself as I am and to be proud of the young woman I have become but also to have had the courage to leave my family for my studies and I am happy to have could choose my own path. (Not everyone can do it)

- If tomorrow you were President of the Republic, what would be your first measure to achieve gender equality?
The measure of equality between women and men is already based on numerous existing laws, particularly in the world of work; we should therefore give ourselves the means to have them concretely applied without countermeasures and why not go further by creating a real ministry of gender equality on the condition that it is transversal to extend it to numerous areas of our society.

- Something to add ?
Yes on gender equality and on society in general: the mentality is not evolving or hardly moving even though we are in 2022 and the situation sometimes even seems to be deteriorating. People only think about themselves and I find it a shame not to share more things and be more kind and tolerant with others. Tolerance would start by stopping being judged by the way we dress (Male or Female) or behave. We are constantly evaluated (while the people who judge us are no better than us).
I think in particular of WOMEN who are criticized and labeled according to the paths they take. They have the right not to want children. They have the right to abort. They have the right not to want to get married. We must constantly defend these essential rights even though they should no longer be discussed today.

Last thing, it is important to work together so that things move, change and evolve. Everyone must make efforts to improve society, particularly on subjects such as pollution and global warming..." 

- Who are you ?
I am a 48 year old woman, mother of 3 children, who after 20 years in banking decided to launch into an activity that confirms her values.
I was an IT project director in a large bank, a small pawn in a large structure. Big projects, big budgets, big teams to manage. A fascinating job but one that no longer had any meaning. Indeed, about ten years ago, my ex-husband and I had a realization.
Faced with the increase in relocations and becoming aware of the issues linked to global warming, we have decided to change our consumption to consume less and better: less energy and better for jobs and the planet. Consuming local and organic food was not too complicated. We stopped flying, buying processed and packaged products. Buying local food wasn't too difficult, clothes were a different story. Very complicated for adults, extremely complicated to dress my children. I started transforming and making a little myself but on top of my full-time job and my children it was complicated. I was professionally tired: too much work, the feeling of never doing well enough either at the office or at home. I then decided to leave my job and get started.
I wanted a local raw material, linen or wool. Thanks to my wonderful encounters with made in France, I discovered many players in the linen industry and fell in love with the material. This is how SPL!CE was born, a brand of timeless French linen clothing made in France, which wants to relocalize the linen industry. From the seed to the finished product, I carry out all the processing stages in France, with the exception of spinning because we no longer have wet spinning of linen (spinning technique which allows us to produce a fine thread) in France . 

- What is your greatest accomplishment?
My children :-)
Have had the courage to change your life, professionally and personally
Participate in the development of the linen industry in France by motivating people to work with linen
-> I'll let you choose :-)

- If tomorrow you were president of the republic, what would be your first measure to achieve equality between women and men?
Impose equal pay for equal position and experience

- Something to add ?
I love linen for what it represents, unique and rare know-how, and this is what the name SPL!CE represents, the bringing together of all the know-how necessary to make my products, from the flax grower to the manner. Each step is essential for my product to be what it is.

- Who are you ?
I am Maud'Amour, performer and actress.
I started playing in Parisian cabarets, 10 years ago now.
Then I met Jean-Paul Gaultier who asked me to come and strip for the Fashion Freak show at the Folies Bergère for a year.
I play and sing at the same time in the legendary Parisian cabaret, Chez Madame Arthur.

- What is your greatest accomplishment?
Living from my passion.
It wasn't easy at the start because I didn't have the physique expected to be a dancer. But thanks to work and perseverance, I have the chance to make a living from my passion and above all, the privilege of being free in my art.
The cabaret is a space where we can approach characters with humor and self-mockery, while leaving strong and educational messages. This is valuable space these days.

- If tomorrow you were president of the republic, what would be your first measure to achieve equality between women and men?
Promote lesbianism ☺️

- Something to add ?
Meet me at Madame Arthur’s on March 17, 18 and 19!

- Who are you ?
I'm an ex.
A former publisher and children's author in Paris and a former model in London. In the process of disappearing for these last two professions but becoming one for...?
The future will tell. All my antennae are up.

- What is your greatest accomplishment?
My books.

- If tomorrow you were president of the republic, what would be your first measure to achieve equality between women and men?

My first measure to achieve equality between women and men would be to introduce anthropology into the national education program from primary school. So that from childhood, we learn to think about humanity rather than gender, ethnicity or social class.

- Something to add ?
One bar of chocolate (dark for me) bought, one free.
Thank you Audrey, Catherine, Élisa, Émilie, Maëlle, Marion, Maud'Amour, Sylviane for the trust you have given us and for taking the time to respond to us.

Interviews compiled by David.


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