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Be careful, this store is likely to clash with fast fashion
Be careful, this store is likely to clash with fast fashion
Be careful, this store is likely to clash with fast fashion
L'Appartement FrançaisL'Appartement Français

Amazon: behind the 1-click purchase button, the realities you need to know

Buy in one click, millions of references, low prices, free delivery and unlimited TV... Amazon is not just that... We invite you to take note of these few key facts...

Buy in one click, millions of references, low prices, free delivery and unlimited TV... Amazon is not just that...

We invite you to take note of these few key facts to take into consideration before finalizing your Amazon basket:

Her global turnover is 170 billion dollars in the fourth quarter of 2023 alone. That is 9 zeros behind the 170 and all that in three months!

Monopoly and unfair competition: Some believe that Amazon exercises monopolistic power in online commerce, which could stifle competition and limit consumer choice. Additionally, Amazon has been criticized for using its dominant position to favor its own products over those of its competitors on its platform.

20% of French purchases on the internet are made on this platform.

69% of French people indicate that they have purchased from Amazon in the last 12 months. Amazon reaches a young clientele, 52.3% of site visitors are between 18 and 34 years old.

Tax evasion: Amazon is criticized for its tax avoidance practices. The company has been accused of taking advantage of loopholes in international tax systems to minimize its taxes, which can negatively impact government tax revenues and public services.

Its annual turnover in France is 4.5 billion. It only paid 250 million in taxes (i.e. 5.5% when any French SME pays between 15% and 31%...).

Amazon receives 5.6 million euros each year from the Ministry of Finance through the CICE.

Working Conditions: Working conditions in Amazon's warehouses have been the subject of much criticism. Some workers denounced hellish pace, constant surveillance and pressure to meet high productivity quotas. This has led to concerns about employee well-being.

When Amazon creates a job in France, four other jobs are destroyed in our regions.

Impact on small businesses: Amazon is often accused of encouraging the closure of small local businesses by offering competitive prices and fast delivery. This can have a detrimental effect on local economies and the diversity of businesses in neighborhoods. When we order from Amazon we further destroy our city centers, our bookstores and our small businesses.

Environmental impact: Amazon's shipping practices have also been questioned due to their impact on the environment. Rapid delivery and increased packaging can contribute to increased waste and greenhouse gas emissions.

3 million new products were destroyed by Amazon in France in 2018 (yes, it's easier to throw away than to unpackage...). Fortunately this practice is now banned in Europe, but what about elsewhere?

Amazon knows everything about us , what we watch, what we read, what we consume and collects a large amount of data about its users through various means, including: Amazon maintains a detailed history of all purchases made by a user on its platform. This includes the products purchased, prices, dates and payment methods. Amazon tracks users' browsing activities on its website. This includes products viewed, searches performed, pages visited, and time spent on each page. Products added to wish lists or shopping carts are also recorded by Amazon, allowing it to understand user preferences and purchasing intentions. Ratings and comments left by users on purchased products are stored by Amazon. This allows the company to better understand customer opinions and experiences. If you allow Amazon to use geolocation, the company may also collect location data through its mobile app or other services. This may include information about the places you visit and the routes you take. Amazon also collects basic user information, such as names, email addresses, shipping addresses, and payment information associated with Amazon accounts.

Today we cry in front of their ads filled with emotion, love, friendship, inclusion and professional development. Let's not be fooled anymore.

Let's decide together to move from consumption to consumption action.

Rather than simply purchasing products or services passively, the concept of “consumm’action” implies a more conscious and engaged approach to consumption. Here are some key points to understand this transition:

  1. Awareness of impacts: consumer action involves being aware of the impacts of our consumption choices on the environment, society and the economy. This includes awareness of the working conditions of workers, the carbon footprint of products, the use of natural resources, etc.

  2. Responsibility: consumers who adopt a consumer action approach take responsibility for their consumption choices. They seek to minimize negative impacts and support more sustainable and ethical practices, whether by opting for organic, fair trade, recycled or local products.

  3. Commitment: Consumm'action involves an active commitment to supporting businesses and initiatives aligned with personal values ​​such as respect for the environment, social justice and economic equity. This can mean supporting ethical companies, boycotting those with controversial practices, or participating in awareness-raising movements and actions.

  4. Education: To move from simple consumption to consumption action, it is often necessary to educate oneself on the social, environmental and economic issues linked to consumption. This may involve researching information on labels, certifications, business practices, etc., in order to make informed decisions.

In summary, "from consumption to consumption action" reflects a change in mentality that encourages consumers to be more aware, responsible, engaged and educated in their consumption choices, with the aim of contributing to a more sustainable and equitable world. .

Article written by David


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